I am previously a Postdoctoral Fellow at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, where I work with Prof. Pheng-Ann Heng and Prof. Qi Dou. I received my Ph.D. degree from the University of Chinese Academy of Science (UCAS), in the joint program at ShanghaiTech University in 2022, supervised by Prof. Shenghua Gao. Before that I received my B.Eng degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2017.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS)
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI)
Medical Image Analysis
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT)
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)
Knowledge-Based Systems
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications
Artificial Intelligence In Medicine
Scientific Reports
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
MICCAI (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)
CVPR (2022)
ICCV (2021, 2023)
ECCV (2022)
AAAI (2021)
WACV (2021, 2022)
MICCAI Workshop on Resource-Efficient Medical Image Analysis (2022)
MICCAI Workshop on Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis (2020, 2021, 2022)
ICCV Workshop on Computer Vision for Automated Medical Diagnosis (2021)
SI200, Academic Paper Writing, Spring 2022 (Teaching Assistant)
CS272, Computer Vision II, Spring 2020 (Teaching Assistant)
CS172, Computer Vision I, Fall 2019 (Teaching Assistant)
CS172, Computer Vision I, Fall 2018 (Teaching Assistant)